Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 9 of Midterm

This week we did bug testing and oh boy bugs we did find. Most of them we already knew about we just haven't been able to find a solution to them yet, and other are because we either rushed them and didn't test them or we just didn't know that would happen.

A bug that the testers found out was that the 'death animation' of Uno broke the game. the 'death animation' that UDK uses is called 'physics asset' but it is referred to be other people as 'rag doll'. I purposely left this 'physics asset' like this because we don't know what we want to do if Uno dies. I was thinking of having him die like the normal enemies with some type of custom animation about him spinning the reason I didn't do this in the beginning is because I'm not sure how to do this for a human player I can do it to a enemy player but I wouldn't know if it's the same way for a human player.

Another bug that we faced and knew would happen is that we would get stuck in a river that we created if you didn't press nothing, and you could also go back upstream no problem. I wasn't in charge of the river so I don't know what went wrong but I do remember that the river work like a conveyor belt and that it moves you along the entire thing. So with that being said it might have to do with the game trying to pull you in two different directions at the same time. Another problem that we had with the river that I noticed but wasn't really worried about was that the water would go above your head, but one that we didn't know about was that you can go up the river and that if you cross the river then die and restart the river doesn't move you. I believe that the way we will fix this is by adding a checkpoint at the foot of the river.

(Uno Walking up River - River Fully Engulfing Uno (the blue random line is a wave from the water))
(Uno Stuck automatically - Uno Stuck after you die (invisible wall))

Another problem that we had was that in a event were we have boulder roll down a hill they would disappear for a short while then reappear and push you back. Some bugs that we didn't know we had were if you get hit on the corner of a rock and the wall you can see through it, but I have tried to replicate this over and over and haven't gotten any results so I believe that this is either a random strange bug or just a lie because no one else reported that this happened. One bug that people were reporting a lot was that if you get pushed by the rock at the end you would fall off the stage and be stuck at the bottom of the level. This can be fixed by adding a volume that would cause you to die if you fall beyond a certain point, unless our level designer want to fix it some other way. A problem that I forgot to mention that we knew was that we have three boulders falling down in a straight path right now they fall in a pattern but with certain computers the pattern can be disrupted with the hardware of the computer and it can get so bad that you will sometimes face a straight line of boulders with no way of getting around them, and some minor bugs that we can polish off is that currently the rocks spawn out of nowhere and are more squared than round.

(Rocks sliding in a straight line - Getting pushed off level with no kill volume)

Some other problems that I suspected to run into for everyone was that you would get stuck behind things in the world. Some places that people got stuck behind were behind logs and rocks. The reason they get stuck behind these are because they are circular and not square so it is easier to get stuck behind them. To fix this our level designer should put a blocking volume in the general area of the clumped up meshes so that the player doesn't decide to jump in and have no way to get out.

(Stuck behind rocks - Stuck between rocks)

Some other problems that we have that can be fixed with a checkpoint are multiple mini bosses spawning, the mini boss and main boss being to difficult, jumping off platforms to death and getting stuck in lower level platform, and some of the puzzles being to hard for little kids.

(This is were I believe we will place checkpoints marked by the big red 'C')

Other than documenting and replicating the bugs I started to work on getting the second level "The Cemetery of Addition" ready. So far I have gotten the main terrain done. I added some necessary models like fences, gates, special gates, and structures to like a 'church', mausoleums and a outline of the beginning area. I also began to add some of the mechanics and the mini boss to the level. The mechanics are simple switches and cameras, right now I have for the starting area when you activate a switch the camera would change and show you a fly by to the gate and show it opening. When you exit you would get a short in game cinematic of the camera flying around the entire outer level much like you would in any old kids game. After this cinematic would be over it will show you were to head next which will be the 'church' there you will see someone laying down on the ground I wanted to give this character some stars swirling around him to signify that he is dizzy. The story behind this character is that he is the 'Golden Ratio' he is the symbol PI. When you head over to him another cinematic will happen when the Ratio would tell you that Big Ten, the main bad guy, tried to make him get combined with Esa the Ratio told him that It couldn't be done so Ten got mad and beat him up, so Ten would head up to the mad scientist "Multiplier" to make them one. Another mechanic that I was able to get completed was the intro for the mini boss. There will be a puzzle before this that you will have to get keys to open up mausoleums to get pieces for another key. Once all pieces have been gathered you will be able to open a door when you do there will be a electric shock that will be sent to a enemy that is in a area of the level that enemy will then get up and start attacking Uno. I believe our Leader wants his mechanics to work like the first mini boss but I will have to double check with him however he works right now with the mechanics of the mini boss.

(Here is a special gate that requires you to hit with the Shield of Addition)
(This is the Fence I use to surround the entire level besides the Mountains)
(The Golden Ration (shines in game) - Mini Boss (has metal plates surrounding him))
("Church" - Mausoleum)
(The picture I use as a refrence for the Mausoleum)
(Some of the Mechanics im using for the Mausoleum Puzzle)

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