Monday, September 17, 2012

GSP 340 Week 2

This week I learned how to play sound effects, music track, advanced materials, and materials and meshes that react to the player as in if you walk on it or shot at it.

I had some trouble with re-spawning "enemies" when they died, but I was able to get it fixed with some logic and trial and error. I also had a tough time with my sounds and that is because I have some natural sounds like wind, light humming, and earth rumbles. I wasn't able to get them to be perfect because my sound track over powers then but if you pay close attention to it you will be able to hear it. Advanced materials were really fun and straight forward to work with. For one of my advanced materials that I created I did a puddle and when you shot it or walk over it you can hear the water splashing around. I was also able to get it to move around like it was real.

Another example of advanced materials that we used was that I created a tin can and when you hit it it would sound like a tin can dropping. UDK has it's own sound for metal but it sounds to generic so I decided to create my own. I created a volume that causes the can's to float. The volume can be used for other things instead of just floating them, it can be used as a turbine to shot objects out, it can be used a washing machine and just spin things in a circle. The problem with that is that the objects will spin so fast that they will go through the walls of the level, and it can cause the computer using it to crash and break.

I also learned some tricks with lights that I didn't know. My level and the level I'm going to be working in my group is going to be dark with little light. I have placed some lights thought the level to give it some mood. I was able to give it this mood by having the lights not be bright and having some of them flicker on and off. To give it a realistic feel I also attached the light to a object to follow it. However I still have to do some research on how to make the light emit from the material instead of having a strange light just come out of nowhere. With there being little light in the level I had to attach a light to the player so that they can see in the darker places.

This is a picture of the mood light I have in the level. As you can see the light comes out of nowhere.

These two screen shots are a comparison of why the player needs a light attached to them light the level.

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