Monday, October 22, 2012

GSP 340 Week 7

This is the final week of this class. Throught the entire class I have had to do two projects one is my very own homework assignment and the other is a group project. In my group I am in charge of HUD UI, main menu, in-game annoucements, and packaging. I also had to take up the role of the leader. Both have to be completely diffrent and we can't use anything in our homework for our group project. There are a total of four groups in our class. This Thursday (10/18/2012) was debug and beta testing, out of all the other groups ours was the only one that had something to show. I push my team members really hard but in the end it pays off. We are all done with the assignemnts that we agreed on with some days to spare. The game can still use some polishing and tuneing, but I will need some play testers that are not me or any of my group members. I will try to post a short video of our game and also a download link to the .exe

Wisdom Room

Courage Room

Tactics Room

Final Room

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