Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week 6 of Midterm

This week i didn't really have anything to do all my responsibilities are complete, so I decided to go back and polish some things off before we present in two weeks. Something that bottered me but we could have gotten away with is that both Uno and Esa don't have a mouth. In our original sketches Uno and Esa had mouths because we wanted to have them talk. Later we decided that were just going to use grunts and mumbles for the voices and have it subtitled .
(New Uno    -    Old Uno)
(New Esa   -   Old Esa)

I also went back and re-positioned some of the old meshes so that there perfectly aligned with the grid and won't have a problem when putting them in the game, but the changes are so small that if I were to have both meshes next to each other you wouldn't be able to tell. I also made Uno's movements more smother in the game. Before he would walk left and right the same way he walks forward. When I was making the animations to walk left and right I came across a problem that made me laugh at the end. I had some complicated animations that had Uno looking forward while he was move slightly to the left/right. So when I tested them out to see how they look. It look very jittery and awkward when he moved diagonally. So with that I said to myself what if I try something really simple like just taking the animation of him walking normally and turning him left/right and voila it worked and looks amazing. The animation of him walking back was something different because I asked myself if I walk back I'm not going to be jumping ill just take small steps and that's what I made him do. I was also able to give Uno a Idle animation It happens one every 10 seconds or so I will just show it on a loop so that you don't miss out on it. Since the new animation are the same as the walking I just made him face a different direction I will not include them. The little white nub is where the Sword of Subtraction would go.

(Old Left Animation - Old Right Animation)
(Back Animation - Idle Animation)

I also got working on some collectibles that the player would be collecting in the level. I also thought that we didn't have enough trees so I made a couple of extra. I also got started on the second level and some of the meshes that we will be using on it. Just like some of the old meshes I have a comparison to the 3Ds Max Render and the UDK Render so that you can get a better look at the mesh in a different default light.

(3Ds Max Render - UDK Render)
(3Ds Max Render - UDK Render)
(3Ds Max Render - UDK Render)
(3Ds Max Render - UDK Render)
(3Ds Max Render - UDK Render)
(3Ds Max Render - UDK Render)
(3Ds Max Render - UDK Render)
(3Ds Max Render - UDK Render)
(Here is a part for the Addition Level I had to make this a top down view so that you can see the whole level)

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