Of course you can't have a presentation without bugs, some bugs that we are experiencing right now is that if you walk on the edge in a ramp that we created you get the error message "Player has been killed by someone" when this happens we need to close the game right away, because it would crash the program. I don't know what it is I would suspect it has something to do with collisions but I'm not one hundred percent sure on that we will have to do some play tests to see if it's true. Another bug that were having is that the enemies at the first platform sometimes don't attack the player and just stand there, I think that it has to do with them spawning before the player spawns and don't know what to attack in that short period of time. Another bug is that we have a river and if you jump during the time you are in it you would fly across the screen you won't fly out the level because we added some mountains in it. A bug that I'm aware of is that when you do your attack animation you "fire" a projectile this is a problem because what if I want to spin the "hit" the enemy. I would kill the enemy before I even make a complete turn. I think that I might be able to fix this with adding a delay right after the animation is played but I haven't tested it yet because I'm not sure how to do it to a human player, I know how to do it to a enemy but not a human player. Another bug that I'm running into is that enemy's can hurt each other. I tried doing some research on how to eliminate friendly fire or even reduce it to nothing but everything I tried doesn't work. I was thinking of seeing is there's anything that would detect what type of damage you take and reduce or eliminate it. Those are all the bugs that I know we have and are going to have to fix before we present in the Beta presentation which is in 8 more weeks.
This week I had to do a Boss AI, a walking animation for our Mini Boss as well as a attacking animation, another walking and attacking animation for our Main Boss, and 18 models. Ten for our Main Boss, Seven for the Mini Boss, and one for the regular enemies. The models weren't hard at all the only thing that took me the most time was the Boss AI to work the way I wanted it to work. For the Boss AI I had to do a couple of things the hardest was to make him wander around. this was done by giving him a bunch random positions and him choosing which ones to walk to. It sounds simple but coding it is a whole another story. However after 2 hours of pounding it I was able to get it neatly done it just something acts strange and pick a coordinate located across the map and it tries to walk there through walls. The Mini Boss had to be big because we wanted him to look different from the other enemies and the player to know that he will react differently to. The Main Boss is huge if I would compare him to Uno I would say that his shoe is bigger than Uno. The final addition we added to the regular enemies was that one of our group members said that why don't we add a zero to show that if the enemy hits zero they will die. So that's what I did to the regular enemies. I included Uno in the following screen shots so that you can get a understanding of the scale the enemies are.
(Main Boss Attack Animation - Main Boss Walking Animation)
(Main Boss)
(Main Boss Attack Animation - Main Boss Walking Animation)
(Mini Boss)
(Mini Boss Zero - Normal Enemy Zero)